5 Biggest Challenges Facing Your Small Business

Starting a business is a big achievement for many entrepreneurs, but maintaining one is the larger challenge.  There are many standard challenges that face every business whether they are large or small.  These include things like hiring the right people, […]

10 Ways to Help Increase Your Cash Flow

As any small business owner knows, maintaining smooth cash flow requires juggling nearly every facet of a business, from staying on top of accounts receivable, to extending lines of credit, to managing inventory.  The essence of successful cash flow management […]

Survive and Thrive – in Business

Year Three….hard to believe it has gone by so fast. I reflect back to the fall of 2010 when I decided to leave Corporate America after 30 years to take that leap of faith and start my own business. With […]

How You Can Establish Business Credit

I have been in business almost 3 years now and when I started, never thought about establishing business credit.  I have been approved for an Office Depot and Chase credit card in my business name but it was based on […]

Debt versus Equity Financing

I get a lot of questions from companies whether they should use debt or equity to finance their growth.  Business owners contemplate this critical question as they look for financing.  Which alternative is best? Debt Financing The advantages to debt […]

Crowd Funding Basics

I just attended a presentation reviewing the basics of crowd funding and decided to write about it since I am asked frequently as to what I know. Crowd funding (aka peer-to-peer fund-raising) is a way for individuals to raise money […]

7 Tips for Improving Your Cash Flow

There’s a golden rule in business you’d be smart to learn now:  No matter how much you sell, if you don’t collect the money, you’re going to go out of business.  As business owners, we often get so wrapped up […]

5 Myths about Private Money Lending

I’d like to discuss some myths about private money lending.  Over the years, I have heard many misconceptions about private money lending so I wanted to address the top 5. Myth # 1 – No Private Money Lender can fund […]

End of Year Checklist for Every Business

For small business owners the end of the year means more than holiday parties and last-minute shopping, it’s also the time to get business in order for the New Year.  While it may be hard for small business owners to […]