What Are Business Cash Flow Loans?

The term “cash flow loan” may be used to describe two different types of financing:  A loan for cash flow purposes.  A loan that’s collateralized or repaid by cash flow. Loans for cash flow purposes help businesses manage their inflows […]

How you can inspire others

Live by choice, not by chance. Make changes, not excuses. Be motivated, not manipulated. Work to excel, not compete. Listen to your own inner voice, not the jumbled opinions of everyone else. This is the way to inspire people! This […]

Ten Tips for Improving Customer Service

The way your customers feel toward you is important. The more you show you care about them, the more they’ll likely want to continue working with you. Customer service is an integral part of our job and should not be […]

12 Steps to Successful Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a goal to which many wish to aspire. But, why do so many fall short? In my two decades of helping small business owners to grow their businesses, here are 12 things that I often see overlooked. 1.) […]

What Are Your Goals For 2015?

Business doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to break your finances, your life balance or your spirit. It can be enormously joyful, profitable and help thousands of people. It can be a living embodiment of spirit. You CAN […]