Is Your Business Headed for Disaster?

Here in Florida, June 1st marks the official opening of our hurricane season.  While all Floridians hope the hurricane activity of prior years is not repeated this year, we all know we must start planning now, regardless of where in […]

Non Recourse Factoring vrs. Recourse Factoring

I will start by saying that the subject of non recourse and recourse factoring is one of the most misunderstood of the industry.  I think it’s a combination of the fact that the term non-recourse is used in other financial products and […]

Understanding Alternative Financing

WHAT IS FACTORING?  A financing method in which a business owner sells accounts receivable at a discount to a third-party funding source (factor) for immediate cash. In a typical factoring arrangement, the client (you) makes a sell, delivers the product […]

How to Manage Your Cash Flow

Cash is your business’s lifeblood.  Managed well, it keeps your company healthy and strong.  Managed poorly, your company goes into cardiac arrest.  Here are 9 cash flow rules you can implement that will transform the way you manage your business. […]